VE Digital

Three Career Paths That Are Set to Survive the Pandemic

Man standing with forward direction arrow

COVID-19 has disrupted the workforce in a way that has never been seen before in all of history. The most influential change has been the widespread switch to remote work. Companies have traditionally not supported remote work due to fears that employees would lose their productivity, but this pandemic served as a trial by fire for such companies.

8 Reasons Why Most Digital Marketing Strategies Fail

Why ?

It’s no question that social media has a large impact on marketing and advertising your business. Since its advent, having profiles on chosen social media platforms are considered a must if you want to reach a wider and more diverse audience. Perhaps it’s because one of the best advantages of using social media marketing is its cost-effectiveness compared to other forms of traditional marketing.

Top 5 Tips for Video Marketing

Top tips

By now, it’s clear that videos are an essential form of media for marketers. One proven way of boosting traffic to your website and increase conversions is to create a good video marketing strategy.  Now, creating video content for marketing can be daunting if you’ve never done it before. And although it may seem that achieving video marketing success is expensive and hard to do, it doesn’t have to be if the results are worth it. All you need is a brilliant strategy to start your journey. In this post, we will talk all about video marketing and we will give you tips for video marketing that works!

9 Benefits of Having a Website For Your Business

Website designer work table with laptop and a smart phone on a wooden desk

If you are a business owner, big or small, who doesn’t have a website yet, this is the sign for you to make one. In this post today, we will be talking about why you should have a website for your business and the many benefits it gives you.