VE Digital

8 Tips to Improve Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

Asia vlogger woman influencer, SME retail store owner smile enjoy selling show live sale

Today, visual media is more useful for engaging audiences rather than other traditional marketing channels, and so Instagram has become one of the best advertising platforms in digital marketing. It offers a variety of tools and interesting opportunities for marketers since it shares the same advertising interface as Facebook. There are many options to tweak and optimize your campaigns and in this article, we are sharing with you some tips you can use to improve your Instagram marketing strategy.

How to Leverage Social Media for your ECommerce Business in 2021

Social media

It’s no question that social media has a large impact on marketing and advertising your business. Since its advent, having profiles on chosen social media platforms are considered a must if you want to reach a wider and more diverse audience. Perhaps it’s because one of the best advantages of using social media marketing is its cost-effectiveness compared to other forms of traditional marketing.

5 Common Social Media Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

Businessman and entrepreneur realizing the big mistake he made, hand covering face in disbelief

Previously, we have posted an article about 9 Things You Should Never Do On Social Media. In an effort to give you updated content, we gathered the top three common social media mistakes that people make when writing for each platform and how you can avoid them.

5 Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies

Hand Writing Target

Facebook is still currently one of the most widely used platforms online by adults. And the vast majority who use it daily continues to provide brands and businesses an opportunity for maximum visibility when implementing Facebook ad targeting strategies. 

5 Top Social Media Marketing Sites

Strategy Marketing concept

Social media marketing has bееn рrоvеn to bе of many uses. Some of the most common gоаlѕ оf employing this internet marketing strategy аrе tо increase web traffic, to build brand awareness, and to рrоvіdе an extra channel for communicating wіth сuѕtоmеrѕ.