VE Digital

8 Tips for an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

video bloggers making a video with a professional camera on a tripod at home.

Video marketing has become bigger and bigger in the digital marketing field today and if you are still one of the businesses that haven’t implemented this strategy in your marketing efforts, you are missing out on a lot of opportunities. In this post, we will be featuring 8 tips to make your video marketing strategy effective. 

9 Things To Have A User-Friendly Website

Eco-friendly cardboard tablet

As more and more businesses transition into the digital world, it’s worth looking into the things that will improve your online presence and that is to have a user-friendly website. Aside from leaving your digital footprints through social media, having your professional website up and running is important as well. A user-friendly website is not just a marketing tactic that will gain your business traction in the digital world, it will also be your stepping stone to success. Here are some of the things you’ll need to have to make your site more user-friendly.

13 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers

Blogger talking with followers online

With over a billion monthly users, Instagram has become one of the most competitive platforms to grow your brand and boost your following. Fortunately, we have curated a list of 13 ways to get more Instagram followers for your to follow!

5 Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Strategy is not Working

Frustrated Young Asia lady having problem with not working tablet computer sitting on desk.

You must have already read from somewhere that ‘content is king’ and this phrase has become somewhat of a cliche now. Content surely does have a huge role when it comes to building your brand, reaching out to your target audience, and increasing sales. However, does this ‘king’ bring the same success to everyone who is leveraging it to their businesses? Here are 5 reasons why your content marketing strategy is not working for you.

7 Digital Copywriting Mistakes You Should Avoid


If you are looking to improve your writing online, you are in for a treat! We have curated this post to help you identify and avoid the seven most common digital copywriting mistakes that are often seen online. This will help you drive more leads, convert more customers, and make more sales on your business online.

How to Overcome the Fear of Failure?


If there’s one thing that hinders us from reaching our goals and full potential, that is the fear of failure. And this mindset is common because as mere human beings, fear is an emotion innate in all of us.

What is TikTok Marketing?

Stylish trendy woman recording dance video for social media account on phone.

The popularity of Tiktok has surprisingly exploded out of nowhere and has become the third most downloaded app in 2019 surpassing Facebook and Instagram. What is Tiktok and what makes it so famous that people, especially the younger generations, have become addicted to it?