VE Digital

How To Create Engaging Social Media Content

Taking picture of food

Do you want to upgrade your social media content creation skills and reap the rewards from it but don’t exactly know how to? Does it feel like you don’t have enough time of the day for creating social media content that’s engaging enough and finding it tedious? Are you worried that you’re not doing enough social media for your brand and business? Stop your worries because, in this post, we will be talking about how to create engaging social media content. A plethora of ideas awaits you.

Make the Most Out of Instagram

Mobile phone with Instagram social media images on the screen and bokeh lights in the background

If you are looking for ways to make the most out of Instagram, then you are in the right place. Today, we are going to cover the best practices for Instagram engagement, using Instagram Stories, and working with brands to level up your Instagram game.

7 Effective Ways To Promote Your Business On Facebook

Young girl announce black friday sale, low prices and discounts screaming in paper cup as megaphone

Your potential reach on Facebook is practically endless, with over one billion active users. However, there are a few critical considerations to keep in mind while promoting your business on Facebook. It’s not easy to get in touch with users. And, especially when it comes to using social media to market your business, you’re up against stiff competition from businesses exactly like yours.

7 Social Media Marketing Tips Good for Small Businesses

Smart asian business woman smiling at office space. real estate, lawyer, non-profit, marketing

It’s no surprise today how social media has impacted the way we connect and interact with each other. Over the years, it has influenced consumer’s actions changing the marketing strategies of businesses. With over 3 billion people having social media accounts, it just makes sense that businesses have also taken up their marketing strategies into these digital platforms. If you are a small business and you are looking to widen your reach, bringing your marketing efforts to social media is the right step to do. In this post, we will talk about social media marketing tips for small businesses. If this perks up your interest, then keep on reading!

8 Tips to Improve Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

Asia vlogger woman influencer, SME retail store owner smile enjoy selling show live sale

Today, visual media is more useful for engaging audiences rather than other traditional marketing channels, and so Instagram has become one of the best advertising platforms in digital marketing. It offers a variety of tools and interesting opportunities for marketers since it shares the same advertising interface as Facebook. There are many options to tweak and optimize your campaigns and in this article, we are sharing with you some tips you can use to improve your Instagram marketing strategy.

How to Leverage Social Media for your ECommerce Business in 2021

Social media

It’s no question that social media has a large impact on marketing and advertising your business. Since its advent, having profiles on chosen social media platforms are considered a must if you want to reach a wider and more diverse audience. Perhaps it’s because one of the best advantages of using social media marketing is its cost-effectiveness compared to other forms of traditional marketing.

5 Common Social Media Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

Businessman and entrepreneur realizing the big mistake he made, hand covering face in disbelief

Previously, we have posted an article about 9 Things You Should Never Do On Social Media. In an effort to give you updated content, we gathered the top three common social media mistakes that people make when writing for each platform and how you can avoid them.

9 Best Things You Should Never Do On Social Media

No, never accept it. Serious, confident bearded man in grey sweater, making cross stop gesture

For new businesses and marketers, social media can be a bit intimidating and overwhelming. Though it offers so much potential, it’s undeniable that it also has pitfalls. There’s no book on how to use social media the “right way”, but, unfortunately, there is a wrong way for you to use it. Whether it’s the customer’s comment or the company’s post, negativity is always present.