VE Digital

Conversations on Social Media

Young Smiling Woman Relaxing At Home Lying On Sofa Checking Social Media On Mobile Phone

How do you craft your responses to mentions and replies on your social media that will encourage positive engagements and minimize conflict from your audience? Today’s post will be all about that – conversations on social media. When you interact with your followers, particularly when you’re answering their queries or handling their complaints, you will need to develop skills beyond the copywriting tips we tackled in the previous posts. You will need to have customer service skills in this matter.

Copywriting for Instagram

Checking daily instagram feed, social media is part of our lives. Hands only in frame.

Over the last two weeks, we’ve shared valuable copywriting tips that you can apply over your various social media platforms. We’ve talked about the best points to target when you are copywriting for Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Today, we will talk about copywriting for Instagram. What are the important points to target in this platform? 

9 Social Media Ideas for Startups Good way

Florists making bouquet of flowers on counter and taking photo on smartphone for social media.

In digital marketing, social media marketing is a powerful tool to utilize and develop. Big brands like Apple, Nike, and Starbucks play a big social media game and this is a huge inspiration to all business startups out there.

Copywriting for LinkedIn

Positive girl in wireless headphones speaks by video link in laptop

In our last post, we talked about copywriting for Twitter. This one will be about copywriting for LinkedIn. You’ll learn three techniques to help you make your LinkedIn posts more persuasive. You will also find these tips to help you create persuasive posts that will lead to conversion not only on LinkedIn but on all of your social media platforms as well.

Copywriting for Twitter


Writing effective copy on social media for your business can be challenging. In this post, you’ll learn three techniques to help you make your Twitter posts more concise. Copywriting for Twitter for your business does not have to be hard. These tips will help you create short and sweet posts on all your social platforms that will get you engagements and reach.

Copywriting Tips for Social Media Profiles

Computer keyboard with copywriting key

Writing for social media is similar to writing for any other marketing channel. You need to be clear on your audience, your brand voice, and your objective. And because of the way people consume social content, these things are even more vital on social media.

13 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers

Blogger talking with followers online

With over a billion monthly users, Instagram has become one of the most competitive platforms to grow your brand and boost your following. Fortunately, we have curated a list of 13 ways to get more Instagram followers for your to follow!

What is TikTok Marketing?

Stylish trendy woman recording dance video for social media account on phone.

The popularity of Tiktok has surprisingly exploded out of nowhere and has become the third most downloaded app in 2019 surpassing Facebook and Instagram. What is Tiktok and what makes it so famous that people, especially the younger generations, have become addicted to it? 

Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Small Business

Social media

90% of marketers claimed that using social media for their businesses have generated multiple advantages for their company’s exposure, brand recognition, website traffic, and sales. Social networks are now essential for every marketing plan and strategy, and the advantages of social media marketing for small business are great that anyone who is still not doing this is seriously missing out. 

Social Media Marketing Basics You Need To Know

How to Measure the Success of Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Social media marketing basics is a part of a digital marketer’s know-how and in this article, we will talk about the basics that you didn’t think you need to know. From content creation to gaining new subscribers to engaging with your audience, there’s plenty for you to do in social media marketing and it requires a variety of strategies and skills.