VE Digital

7 Things You Need To Check on Your Website Regularly


With millions of blogs on the world wide web, content marketing has exploded and has grown exponentially over the years. But with every brand making use of this marketing strategy effectively, content marketing has become saturated more than ever.

Why Content Marketing Actually Works


We live in a content-driven world, where more and more businesses need to write articles to drive traffic, engage customers and generally get people talking about them. But how do you create content? What should it be about? When should you publish it? And why should you bother in the first place? In this article, I’ll tell you what content marketing is, how to get started, and why content marketing works so well.

9 Social Media Ideas for Startups Good way

Florists making bouquet of flowers on counter and taking photo on smartphone for social media.

In digital marketing, social media marketing is a powerful tool to utilize and develop. Big brands like Apple, Nike, and Starbucks play a big social media game and this is a huge inspiration to all business startups out there.

10 Top Digital Marketing Blogs to Follow

Blog, word in wooden letters

Being in the digital marketing industry, especially in the content creating scene, you need to always be on the lookout for exciting ways to create new quality content. With that said, while we have already posted 9 Helpful Tools for Content Creation a few weeks ago, there are still more free websites that every content creator should know. If you are one, these will be very helpful, if you are not, this knowledge could still be valuable. 

7 Helpful Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Digital marketing

Are you struggling with improving your website, doing more for your social media, generating leads, or just about anything in the digital marketing field? Here are seven helpful digital marketing tips for small businesses like yours.

9 Tips on How to Do a Social Media Detox as a Good Marketer

Digital detox

Being always active online and on social media can physically and mentally drain you. It’s been a concern for everyone who uses social media apps and taking a break from it once in a while will do wonders for your well-being. If you are searching for a sign to have a social media detox, this is it.

5 More Free Websites That Every Content Creator Should Know

Excited and assertive, smiling confident redhead woman know exactly what need for winter holidays

Being in the digital marketing industry, especially in the content creating scene, you need to always be on the lookout for exciting ways to create new quality content. With that said, while we have already posted 9 Helpful Tools for Content Creation a few weeks ago, there are still more free websites that every content creator should know. If you are one, these will be very helpful, if you are not, this knowledge could still be valuable. 

10 Actionable Content Marketing Tips for Digital Marketers

Online Tips, words in wooden alphabet letters isolated on blue background

With millions of blogs on the world wide web, content marketing has exploded and has grown exponentially over the years. But with every brand making use of this marketing strategy effectively, content marketing has become saturated more than ever.

8 Tips for an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

video bloggers making a video with a professional camera on a tripod at home.

Video marketing has become bigger and bigger in the digital marketing field today and if you are still one of the businesses that haven’t implemented this strategy in your marketing efforts, you are missing out on a lot of opportunities. In this post, we will be featuring 8 tips to make your video marketing strategy effective.